
The cholesterol and fat data in this database is 'AS-IS' obtained from the USDA Nutrients Database. Cholesterolindiet.com makes no warranties or representations as to the accuracy or timeliness of the data acquired. It assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions. It takes full responsibility for errors or omissions in data presentation on this website. Cholesterolindiet.com has not reviewed any or all websites that may be linked to it and is not responsible for any such websites linked to this site or any content thereof or services provided through such websites. Following the links to any third party websites on this site is at your own responsibility. By linking to a third party website or permitting a link from a third party website to this site, Cholesterolindiet.com does not endorse the site operator or the content of the linked third party website. Organizations and institutions whose content is posted on this website or any reference is made to in any context are not affiliated to this site.